岩手県 三兄弟 Iwate prefecture Family
¥1,100 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥360から
※ アイロンで付けられる刺しゅうワッペンです。
※ 商品は家庭用ミシンで刺繍し、一点一点手でカットしています。個体により多少の違いがありますことをご了承ください。
※ 国内送料無料(クリックポスト)です。
This is the Iwate Prefecture version of the Delicious Wappen by prefecture from all over Japan.
The most delicious food in Iwate Prefecture is wanko soba and Morioka cold noodles, but I chose wakame (seaweed) because it is a product of the Sanriku Sea. The seaweed is bobbing in the sea.
I also chose Nanbu Ironware, a kettle made of iron. It is a craft with the same shape as it has always had.
Then there are matsutake mushrooms. The matsutake mushroom, which is difficult to cultivate artificially, is a precious luxury item.
This is an embroidery patch that can be attached with an iron.
The products are embroidered with a household sewing machine and cut by hand one by one.
*The width of the base is 85mm.
*International shipping will incur a shipping fee.
¥1,100 税込